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Provide a reading of Nosferatu and discuss how it established the Vampire sub-genre Essay Example

Give a perusing of Nosferatu and examine how it built up the Vampire sub Give a perusing of Nosferatu and examine how it built up the Vam...

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Your Thoughts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Your Thoughts - Essay Example repeated emphasis on proper concepts, the asking of different questions, and the elaborate examples point out that the intention of the author is to make the reader realize the gravity of the situation. He does, in fact, succeed in doing so. It is indeed true that the subject of mathematics is taught as a necessity. Mathematics is used in every aspect of life and in every field of work that is why it is becoming essential. However, the need for the study of mathematics has made it nothing but a burden on students. The result is that the students, instead of appreciating the ‘beauty’ of mathematics, consider it important for their respective fields only. The mode of instruction, as the author states, is a very important reason for this attitude. The mode of instruction in the primary and elementary schools is, indeed, not up to the mark. Often, students are just spoon-fed the knowledge of the things around them. This approach may be appropriate for subjects like history where the students cannot really ask why some event took place. However, when it comes to the study of mathematics, this approach is not acceptable. Mathematics is a subject that is primarily based on the study of concepts. This means that the teaching of mathematics should ideally require the understanding of why a particular phenomenon takes place. An example, according to the author, would be the concept of why the area of a rectangle is determined by taking the product of length and width. The previously mentioned mode of instruction, employed by teachers, however, completely ruins the idea of the teaching of mathematics. The stress of teachers on learning how to solve problems has many implications. Firstly, the thinking process of students is hindered as a result of rote learning. Students generally develop thinking and analytical skills in their early years of education. If the teachers impose a certain way of doing things in that early phase, the students may never be able to think

Monday, October 28, 2019

Explore how love and lovers is presented in Romeo and Juliet and The Labrotory Essay Example for Free

Explore how love and lovers is presented in Romeo and Juliet and The Labrotory Essay Explore how love and lovers is presented in Romeo and Juliet and The Labrotory. Love. Love is a feeling of a deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone, An intense feeling of deep affection. Love in Romeo and Juliet is a brutal, powerful emotion that captures individuals and catapults them against their world, and at times, against themselves. In The Laboratory love is presented as a unpleasant feeling, filled with jealousy, obsession and overall revenge, which is also a dramatic monologue which evokes the audiences emotions. Love is another important thematic ingredient in Romeo and Juliet, which presents various types of love: the sensual, physical love embraced by the Nurse; the Traditional or contractual love represented by Paris; and the passionate, romantic love of Romeo and Juliet. love is Too rude, Too boistrous, and it pricks like a thorn. In The laboratory Browning explores the jealousy and vengeful of someone disappointed in love, and how far they would travel to be happy themselves and see their lover suffer who has previously made her suffer. In the opening scene of Romeo and Juliet we are introduced to Romeo and Benvolio. Romeo reminisces about Rosaline which evokes the lovers experience of daydreaming about his beloved, but in such a jumbled way, that its more frustrating than enjoyable.Mis-shapen chaos of well-seeming forms However this scene presents that Romeo is in love with Rosalines beauty. Romeo receives unrequited love which makes him feel melancholy and depressed. This can also be described as fickle love as he falls in and out love quickly. Romeo is in love with Rosaline at the start of the play, which is presented as an immature infatuation. Today, we might use the term â€Å"puppy love† to describe this. Romeo’s love for Rosaline is shallow and nobody really believes that it will last, including Friar Laurence. Thou chidst me oft for loving Rosaline Romeo is speaking in rhyme throughout this scene. He says, Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs, Being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers eyes. From this the reader may assume that Romeo takes love very seriously, it is also represents a stereotypical form of love poetry. This may indicate that there is nothing special about his love with Rosaline. In this scene Romeo also uses oxymorons to describe his love for Rosaline. He describes love as sick health. This illustrates the idea that he is confused and not making any sense because he is talking in an irrational way. Benvolio tells Romeo to Examine other beauties. This quotationportrays the idea that maybe Benvolio has seen this before from Romeo and he knows the time will come when Romeo will fall in love with another lady. The audience will feel that Romeo is acting like a lovesick teenager. Likewise in The Laboratory the women is suffering from unrequited love and is consumed with evil and twisted thoughts. Shes feeling betrayed and paranoid she refers back to them as laughing at her, imagining her at church praying for her lover to return back to her. While they laugh, laugh at me, at me fled to the dearer William Shakespeare and Robert Browning both portray unrequited love and the different paths it leads to, as in Romeo and Juliet, Romeo is melancholy and sulking, however he is not doing anything to make the situation better. Out of her favor where I am in love In The Laboratory the women is creating a deadly poison due to her partner cheating on her and her receiving unrequited love. The women deals with the situation in a very pitiless, demanding way. Grind away, moisten and mash up thy paste Love between Romeo and Juliet is the main love portrayed in the play. Our classic idea of romantic love is embodied in Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare presents this as a force of nature, so strong that it transcends societal conventions. This idea is established in the play’s prologue with the line â€Å"a pair of star-crossed lovers take their life.† Romeo and Juliet still love each other and don’t let their hatred of each other’s family get in the way of their love. â€Å"Love give me strength, and strength shall help afford†. Romeo being hurt and melancholy at the beginning of the place make the audience question does he truly feel love or not. Romeo falls for Juliet as soon as he sees her, Which Shakespeare describes as love at first sight. Did my heart love till now? Shake spare also portrays that Romeo falls in love with Rosalines and Juliets appearances, due to it being love at first sight. He describes Rosaline as the moon which is beautiful but the moon always goes down when the sun rises who is Juliet. As a rich jewel in an Ethiops ear-Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear The same as in The Laboratory the women believes her ex partner has feel in love with not the womens personality but her looks. Shes not little, no minion like me!, That why she ensnared him: this will never free Both play and poem portray that the men have fell in love with the womens looks. Romeo falls for Juliet as soon as he sees her which obviously tells the readers that he fell in love at first sight with her beautiful face, likewise the man has cheated on left his partner to be with a more curvy women, again falling for her looks. A love we are introduced to in Romeo and Juliet is the love between Juliet and the Nurse which is such of a mother and daughter, It portrays warmth, trust and laughter. Juliet loves her mother in a dutiful daughter way, but they do not have a warm, close relationship. All the nurse wants is for Juliet to be happy and this is why she helps in forgetting the family feud and helping Juliet marry Romeo. This effect Shakespeare portrays adds great effect and makes the relationship between Juliet and the Nurse similar to if the Nurse was the actual mother of Juliet. â€Å"I nursed her daughter that you talked withal†. In the Laboratory no such love is presented. Its as if the women is alone in the world which is causing her to go insane. However it could also be said that the women is confiding in the old man, as he is the only one who knows about her plan as did the nurse with Juliets plan. She is so thrilled with her plan, she celebrates with the apothecary. You may kiss me, old man, on my mouth if you will! Both Shake spare and Browning portray love in similar but different ways. Juliets affection with the nurse is positive and merry, with girlish talks, However The women in The Laboratory is showing love to the old man just for full filling her evil command. In The Laboratory and Romeo and Juliet tradition plays a very large role. Paris’ love for Juliet in Romeo and Juliet is born out of tradition, not passion. He has identified her as a good candidate for a wife and approaches her father to arrange the marriage. Although this was the tradition at the time, it also says something about Paris’ staid attitude towards love. Younger than she are happy mothers made. Also in The Laboratory Browning does not make any direct or uniform attacks on organized religion. He does not use any references to religion or tradition as it would of made the poem calm, and without them it gives the poem a more horrific, evil tone. Many of the friendships in the play are as sincere as Romeo and Juliet’s love for one another. The close relationships between Juliet and her Nurse, and between Romeo, Mercutio and Benvolio are meaningful and heartfelt. They care deeply for another and protect each others honor – this ultimately costs Mercutio his life. This platonic love is offset by the sexual innuendos made by some characters – particularly Juliet’s Nurse and Mercutio. Their view of love is earthy and purely sexual, creating an effective contrast with Romeo and Juliet’s romanticism. At the beginning of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo is very upset which gives Mercutio and opportunity to involve humor and sex. Oer ladies lips, whos straight on kisses dream. He uses more sexual innuendo throughout the play when the subject of love is mentioned. The Nurse also links love and sex throughout the play. This is more marked when she finds out Juliet is to marry Romeo. We can see how excited she is about the physical opportunity for Juliet because she comments immediately on Romeos physical traits. His face be better than any mans. Although both Mercutio and the Nurse refer to the sexual act, the Nurses language is crude and lacks the refinement of Mercutios wit. Here Shakespeare presents to us a member of the lower classes, deprived from a formal education. Also Juliet awaits Romeo to consummate their marriage, she refers wholeheartedly to her sexual desires having bought the mansion of a love, but not yet possessed it suggesting that she recognizes the contractual element of marriage and desires to experience the physical side. Juliet also refers to white as snow on a ravens back which implies that her virginal purity is set against the darkness of the blood that she will lose as her hymen is split. Love is portrayed, therefore, as being courtly and flirtatious in the early scenes but sexual and foreshadowing death in the later scenes. In The Laboratory there is no use of sexual language however the women believes that her partner and the women Elise commit sexual acts. Where they are, what they do: they believe my tears flow The word flow could also be described as the women crying a river. Her tears as soon dried up and is happy by the end at the death of her rival and suffering of her lover. The language used in the Laboratory has various features such as; alliteration, personification, metaphor etc. Alliteration is used to add affect and give the reader a repetitive sound. brand, burn up, bite, moisten and mash, poison to poison thee, prithee Also the use of exclamation marks shows excitement, and reinforces the delight. In the same way Shake pare has also used various literary devices. such as oxymorons Poor living corpse, closed in a dead mans tomb! Dramatic irony, indeed, I never shall be satisfied / With Romeo, till I behold him-dead- etc. Poison is often the weapon of choice for female killers. It requires little or no physical strength to administer, and can be done secretly. It also leaves little evidence thus making it difficult to detect the culprit. In both Romeo and Juliet and The laboratory the females use poison, which leads to death. However Juliet also dies by suicide. and the women in The laboratory dies from the poison. Browning writes ‘The delicate droplet, my whole fortunes fee’ showing that she’s incredibly dedicated in getting this guy and she’s spent her whole fortune on the poison and she’s not going to give up until the deed is complete. Romeo and Juliet has become forever associated with love. The play has become an iconic story of love and passion, and the name â€Å"Romeo† is still used to describe young lovers. Shakespeare’s treatment of love in the play is complex and multifaceted. He uses love in its many guises to thread together the key relationships in the play. In the Laboratory the womens anger and revenge seems controlled as looking at the structure, all stanzas are end-stopped, indicating some clear structure and thought behind the lady. Hence, any sympathy we had for her almost disappears as she must know she is doing bad being that her state of mind is quite clear.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Man Vs. The Environment :: essays research papers

The environment can be something as vast as global weather patterns or as simple as the desert regions. With the advent of many technologies, the delicate balance of the environment has been upset (Elliot, 1961, p. 392). Strip mining, slash and burn farming, damming of rivers, and the extinction of many species of plants and animals have all lead to the permanent changing of the environment. Some say the change is for good, and others say for the change is for worse, but what is good about the ozone hole, rising global temperatures, and over irrigation causing the spread of arid conditions in once fertile locations (Eitzen, 2000, p. 79). Is this interference the fault of the capitalist sys-tem or just the mortal man? In my opinion it is the fault of the man for having, the attitude of use what we need and do not worry about the concencuios. Man started the raping of earth back when the first colonist made the long voyage across the Atlantic to start their new life in America. Uncontrolled burning of the forest was done to make way for the intruders’ villages, towns, and cities. Once estab-lished the settlers needed more room for farms and bigger cities so again they pushed into the forest causing the Na-tive Americans and the wildlife to withdraw further into interior of the continent. Let us move forward a hundred or so years in history the settling of the American Great Plains. One of the big-gest violations of the environment was taking place, the buffalo hunters, and the extermination of the Native Ameri-cans and their culture. The Great Plains, before the arri-val of the buffalo hunter must have been a remarkable sight. The countryside must have looked like it was a mov-ing carpet of bison. With over 60 million buffalo roaming the plains (Pendley, 1995,p. 124) at one time man saw this as a threat to its complete control of the continent, so he sent out his fingers of death, the buffalo hunter. It was these “fingers'; that slain approximately 60 million of these ingenious creatures (Pendley, 1995, p. 125). The re-ward for this was given directly to the man in the form of money, moreover; these men volunteered to shoot these help-less animals. Once done with the slaughtering of the bison man needed more land so that they could strip the earth of additional resources.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Leadership: Bases of Power Essay

Who would want to work for a weak manager? Managers need power to do their jobs, because their jobs require them to influence others. Consequently, managers who feel powerless to influence others experience a tremendous amount of frustration and stress. Their staff members tend to feel frustrated too. Power means many different things to different people. For some, power is seen as corrupt. For others, the more power they have, the more successful they feel. For even others, power is of no interest at all. Positions of authority confer power to the people who hold managerial positions. However, managers who rely solely on their formal authority to influence others will find that it doesn’t inspire their staff, and can even demoralize them. Hence, it helps to also derive power from other sources. Charisma and having personal appeal are sources of power too. Power can also be developed by becoming and expert or by performing critical role for the firm. Bases of Social Power Bases of power refer to the methods that managers and leaders utilize to influence their employees. When examining bases of power, the concept of authority must also be considered. These two are interconnected attributes tied to the behavior of superiors over subordinates. In their article, â€Å"Are There No Limits To Authority?†, David Knights and Darren McCabe explain that â€Å"power should be understood to be a condition of social relations. Thus, it is erroneous to ask who has power. Instead, it is necessary to explore how power is exercised.† In turn, the nature of how power is exercised is a workable definition for authority. In short, authority and power are intertwined, with power being the ability to do things or have others do what one has ordered while authority is the foundation on which that power is built. The bases of social power are very diverse, and no list is ever complete. Nonetheless, the commonly identified bases of power fit pretty well into two categories; position-related factors and personal factors. Position-related factors. Position power comes from the legitimacy inherent in many positions, the ability to provide rewards, the ability to coerce, access to valuable information and performing a critical function. These position-related factors are: Legitimate power allows leaders to motivate others simply because they hold the leadership position. Sometimes we comply with the wishes of a leader just because of the societal expectations for us to do so. For instance, if Colin Powell shows up at your club’s luncheon and wants to say a few words, you let him. Why do you give him that privilege? Stupid question. He’s the Secretary of State! You just do that sort of thing for someone in his position. That’s legitimate power. That kind of legitimacy isn’t always very strong for managers who are promoted to a position in which they must supervise their former peers. If the former peers have any difficulty adjusting to their managers’ new positions, legitimacy will be kind of weak. Legitimate power comes from having a position of power in an organization, such as being the boss or a key member of a leadership team. This power comes when employees in the organization recognize the authority of the individual. For example, the CEO who determines the overall direction of the company and the resource needs of the company. Legitimate power rests in the belief among employees that their manager has the right to give orders based on his or her position. For example, at the scene of a crime, people usually comply with the orders of a uniformed police officer based simply on their shared belief that he or she has the predetermined authority to give such orders. In a corporate setting, employees comply with the orders of a manager who relies on legitimate power based on the position in the organizational hierarchy that the manager holds. Yet, although employees may comply based on legitimate power, they may not feel a sense of commitment or cooperation. Reward power is the ability to provide incentives to others if they will cooperate with you. Managers who can affect their direct reports’ income, perks, job assignments, etc. are able to offer rewards in exchange for compliance. Having a high degree of reward power really helps a manager influence others. Reward power is conveyed through rewarding individuals for compliance with one’s wishes. This may be done through given bonuses, raises, a promotion, extra time off from work, etc. For example, the supervisor who provides employees comp time when they meet an objective she sets for a project. Reward power, as the name implies, rests on the ability of a manager to give some sort of reward to employees. These rewards can range from monetary compensation to improved work schedules. Reward power often does not need monetary or other tangible compensation to work when managers can convey various intangible benefits as rewards. Huey describes Sam Walton, founder of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., as an active user of reward power. Walton relies heavily on these intangible awards, indicating that â€Å"nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-chosen, well-timed, sincere words of praise. They are absolutely free-and worth a fortune†. When reward power is used in a flexible manner, it can prove to be a strong motivator, as Crosby, Deming, and others have shown. Still, when organizations rely too rigidly on rewards, the system can backfire. Employees may be tempted to unethically or even illegally meet the quotas to which overly rigid reward systems may be tied. Another problem associated with rewards as a base for power is the possibility that the rewards will divert employees’ attention from their jobs and focus their attention instead on the rewards da ngled before them. Coercive power is the ability to punish or intimidate. It’s often said that unions eliminate management’s ability to sanction uncooperative employees. That may be a bit of an exaggeration, but when collective bargaining agreements state that management can only terminate employees with cause, management does have restricted ability to coerce cooperation. Managers should use coercion with great care anyway. Coercion only motivates minimal cooperation and breeds resentment. Coercive power is conveyed through fear of losing one’s job, being demoted, receiving a poor performance review, having prime projects taken away, etc. This power is gotten through threatening others. For example, the VP of Sales who threatens sales folks to meet their goals or get replaced. Coercive power rests in the ability of a manager to force an employee to comply with an order through the threat of punishment. Coercive power typically leads to short-term compliance, but in the long-run produces dysfunctional behavior. Coercion reduces employees’ satisfaction with their jobs, leading to lack of commitment and general employee withdrawal. In the United States, Canada, and Western Europe, coercive power has seen a decline in the last 50 years. Several reasons contribute to this, ranging from the legal erosion of employment-at-will and the awareness of employee violence or other forms of retaliatory behavior. Equally important as an effect on the receding popularity of coercion as a basis of power has been the influence of quality management theorists, such as Philip Crosby and W. Edwards Deming. They suggested that there is a decline in productivity and creativity when coercive power is employed. The use of coercive power results in an atmosphere of insecurity or fear. In spite of this insight, coercion as a base of power continues to play a role even in those organizations influenced by theories of quality management. In times of economic crisis or threats to the survival of the organization at large, coercion may come to the forefront. Coercive power may also materialize as organizations attempt to streamline their operations for maximum efficiency. If employees must be fired, those who fail to conform to the organizational goals for survival will be the most likely candidates for termination. The threat of termination for failure to comply, in turn, is coercive power. Access to valuable information produces power because valuable information is a resource that can be exchanged. Back in the days when managers had secretaries do all their typing and schedule their meetings, some secretaries had access to a lot of important information. Consequently, people who were nice to secretaries were able to get information and access to key personnel that jerks couldn’t get. Even without having formal authority, the secretaries did have power, and shrewd business people treated secretaries with respect. Performing a critical function confers power, but only to the extent that the individual or group performing the function is irreplaceable. One of my favorite examples of criticality and irreplaceability as they pertain to power comes from NBC’s television show, West Wing. At the end of the first season, the producers were expecting to have to renegotiate a lot of the actors’ contracts. The producers wanted to bring the whole cast back because audiences don’t react well to new actors playing established roles or to roles that are clumsily dropped from the story. Thus, each actor was critical and irreplaceable. Of course, producers don’t have to replace an actor whose character died. So, the writers arranged to have the West Wing season finale end with a gunshot that could have killed any of the critical actors. It wasn’t until the second season that we found out who got hit. By making the actors less critical, the producers reduced the actors’ negotiating power. Personal factors. A number of personal qualities can also contribute to a person’s power in an organization. Some of these are: Expertise that can be used in exchange for favors is a form of power. For instance, if you’re an expert with PowerPoint you can help colleagues put together their presentations, and you can get favors from them in return. Expert power comes from ones’ experiences, skills or knowledge. As we gain experience in particular areas, and become thought leaders in those areas, we begin to gather expert power that can be utilized to get others to help us meet our goals. For example, the Project Manager who is an expert at solving particularly challenging problems to ensure a project stays on track. Expert power rests on the belief of employees that an individual has a particularly high level of knowledge or highly specialized skill set. Managers may be accorded authority based on the perception of their greater knowledge of the tasks at hand than their employees. Interestingly, in expert power, the superior may not rank higher than the other persons in a formal sense. Thus, when an equipment repair person comes to the CEO’s office to fix a malfunctioning piece of machinery, no question exists that the CEO outranks the repair person; yet regarding the specific task of getting the machine operational, the CEO is likely to follow the orders of the repair person. Expert power has within it a built-in point of weakness: as a point of power, expertise diminishes as knowledge is shared. If a manager shares knowledge or skill instruction with his or her employees, in time they will acquire a similar knowledge base or skill set. As the employees grow to equal the manager’s knowledge or skills, their respect for the superiority of his expertise diminishes. The result is either that the manager’s authority diminishes or that the manager intentionally chooses not to share his or her knowledge base or skill set with the employees. The former choice weakens the manager’s authority over time, while the latter weakens the organization’s effectiveness over time. Likeability, or any kind of personal attractiveness, also gives you power. If people like to be around you because you’re witty, friendly, famous or good looking, you’re also likely to be pretty persuasive. We all want to do favors for people we like, up to a limit anyway. Charisma has multiple meanings. A person with charisma has a special interpersonal appeal. Charisma can be viewed as a particularly strong form of likeability or attractiveness. That’s the kind of charisma that Princess Diana had. Charismatic leaders, on the other hand, communicate a vision that’s very appealing and they energize others to pursue it with them. If you want to be a charismatic leader, (a) you have to have an ambitious vision for the group you’re leading, (b) you have to be excited about it, (c) you have to be confident in the group’s ability to achieve that vision, and (d) you have to be able to communicate your vision, excitement, and confidence. That’s the kind of charisma that Winston Churchill had. Persuasive ability, which is clearly associated with the ability to influence others, is another personal source of power. Intellectual problem solving abilities (e.g., rational problem solving ability, creative problem solving ability, inductive reasoning ability) help people influence others. So do interpersonal persuasion skills. On the list of influence tactics, â€Å"reason† is generally considered the best way to influence others. It’s ranked above â€Å"reciprocity,† which draws on reward power (e.g., a bonus in exchange for exceptional performance), and â€Å"retribution† which uses threats and intimidation. To the extent that reason is a great way to influence others, possessing the ability to reason with others is a great power base. Credibility is an important personal base of power. We are more likely to be persuaded by and follow someone with high credibility than we are someone with low or no credibility. Credibility comes from integrity, character, competence, and the ability to lead. Integrity means being open and sharing information that people need and have a right to know. Hidden agendas undermine integrity. So does the unwillingness to provide truthful, well-intentioned, constructive criticism. Honesty also has to be tempered with discretion. Managers need to show discretion and not say negative things about people as gossip or with the intent to hurt, even if those negative things are true. Remember the lesson from the movie, Jerry Maguire, â€Å"brutal truth† can be a bad thing. Character is the strength to do what needs to be done in difficult times. A basketball team has character if it tends to play well at the end of close games. A businessperson demonstrates character by acting in a moral and ethical way despite pressures or self-interests that push them to do otherwise. Competence is one’s knowledge and skills that pertain to a given situation. When someone tries to reason with you and gain your support for a certain course of action, their competence in that area affects their persuasiveness. If they don’t know what they’re talking about, you’re not going to be influenced. Competence contributes to credibility, and credibility allows one person to influence another. Finally, the ability to lead contributes to managers’ credibility. Would you enthusiastically follow a leader who is unable to inspire others, manage conflict, delegate tasks or coordinate activities? No matter how much you respect a leader for her task-related knowledge, integrity and character, you’ll have reservations about working hard for her if she doesn’t demonstrate the ability to lead. In Summary †¦ Managers must have power, and they would do well to develop more than just the ability to reward and punish others. Having resources and information that can be exchanged for cooperation is also helpful. Having personal qualities that inspire confidence and a willingness to follow might be even more useful. Nevertheless, all are sources of power. References: Victor, D. (n.d.). Leadership Styles and Bases of Power. Retrieved February 25,2013, from: http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/management/Int-Loc/Leadership-Styles-and-Bases-of-Power.html#ixzz2Lt2Q7QbI Abudi, G. (2011). The 5 Types of Power in Leadership. Retrieved February,from: http://quickbase.intuit.com/blog/2011/08/26/the-5-types-of-power-in-leadership/ Wiliams, S. (2004). Building Your Power Bases. Retrieved February 25, 2013, from: http://www.wright.edu/~scott.williams/LeaderLetter/power.htm

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Comparing and contrasting of the artwork produced during two different artistic periods

In this assignment I am going to be comparing and contrasting the artworks from two artists both from different artistic periods. I have chosen to analyse works from Gustave Courbet and Auguste Renoir both from the Realist and Impressionist movements. Hailed as the pioneer of the Realist movement Gustave Courbet set an unprecedented artistic movement which caused a lot of controversy amongst all it artists.This movement embodied and represented the everyday norm as we know it, our own lives and realities caught on canvas or in this case the realities experienced by the artist Gustave Courbet. Realism was unprecedented and controversial in the sense that it broke away from the norm which was for centuries mainly depicting popular, religious figures however Courbet’s ideologies were for artists to portray only what they can see or has lived, depicting everyday scenes and events.Coming from a harsh environment, Gustaves earlier life was in the small town of Ornans in France were Courbet was born into a lower/ working class. His depictions of his realities can be seen through many works including â€Å"Burial at Ornans 1850†. One painting that embodies realism is entitled â€Å"The Stone Breakers†. This painting merely depicts to figures a boy and a man absorbed in their tedious repetitive work of crushing stones to make road.This controversy surrounding this piece was immense as it depicted two figures carrying out the most miserable tedious tasks one could do however this is the harsh reality they live and the reality Courbet is trying to convey to the viewer. We are unable to see the figures faces as the boy has his back facing the viewer and the man wearing a hat however this gives a sense of the figures shame and somewhat unimportance that we can’t even look at their faces because of the nature of their reality and how they go about earning their money.In comparison to Realism, Impressionism shares the same characteristics in terms of depicting reality. Many Impressionist artists works including â€Å"Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette† or â€Å"La Loge† Auguste Renoir as well as â€Å"Woman with a Parasol† by Claude Monet are all depictions of the artists realities and general normal activities or social gatherings. The breaking from the norm seemed to be continued with the Impressionists by also literally painting what they saw, adopting this new way ofobservational painting which meant artists left their studios and began to paint outside. In relation to Courbets paintings the Impressionists depicted everyday scenes which were observed by the artists themselves at the adopting this new age of artistic movements. Impressionist pieces such as â€Å"La Loge† by Auguste Renoir depict a female figure in her most realist but glamorous form.It is somewhat realist in the sense that there is a lot of attention to the detail of the fabric, the figures dress is a velvety texture it gives the viewer a sense of they can almost feel the texture. Her face and hair are painted in the most natural form. â€Å"Impression Sunrise† by Claude Monet is the piece in which the whole Impressionist movement received its name from. The Impressionists were seen as radicals depicting a new Industrial revolution the way they saw it in reality.It is evident throughout most Impressionist works the use of visible, sketchy brush strokes merely creating â€Å"impressions† of the subject that they are trying to depict. The use of colour and light was revolutionary through this period as certain theories were vital to follow in order to achieve the desired effect. For instance the use of complimentary colours playing off each other to create a more intense piece, shadows merely being shades of colours from where they are cast as well as the thickness of the paint etc all were important factors.In contrast to works such as â€Å"The Stone Breakers†, Impressionist pieces are s omewhat depicted differently. For instance the brush strokes shown in pieces such as â€Å" Woman with a Parasol 1875† the brushstrokes short and sketchy and go with the flow of the subject matter as brushstrokes are meant to depict movement within the piece, something that Courbets was unable to portray but instead his seemed to depicted a never ending slow movement in time because of the repetitive hard labour shown in the piece.The visible brushstrokes also in some ways depict emotion in the sense that quickly faster sketchier brushstrokes may imply a certain emotion the artist was going through in order to create those marks were as shorter strokes may imply a more slight attention to detail. The colour shining from the back of the female figure gives great light and shadow to the piece.Hints of yellows and greens are visible on the female figures dress while touches of blues and pinks are visible as shadows on the field. In conclusion I have managed to compare and contra st some artworks from two different artistic periods and have managed to identify and explain most of the characteristics. The similarities with both Realist and Impressionist movements were apparent within the subject matter of the artworks.Breaking from the norm like this was unprecedented and these artists were seen as radicals changing the ancient teachings of art and adopting their own rules to fit their ideologies. The differences mainly spanned in which the way different artists portrayed their work. Within realist pieces such as â€Å"The Stone Breakers† attention to detail was apparent as the poor figures clothes were ruff and rugged merely the harshness of their everyday job.Impressionist pieces such as â€Å"Woman with a Parasol† weren’t so much focused on every aspect of the figures attire, facial features etc but more on creating this moment of strolling through the field, whilst capturing movement and emotion. These were just depicted with brush st rokes and as mere impressions of the real thing. The subject matter from most Impressionist and Realist artists where just depictions of their reality which in a sense in comparison together makes them similar movements in terms of subject matter.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on The Losing Drug War

The Drug War : There’s a war being waged in our country. A war with no definable boundaries or enemies. A war that claims a victim every minute. The drug war. With controversial legislature pending in states all across the country, there are few people without an opinion. As time progresses though, more and more people are showing their support for a smarter way of drug control, empathizing a less strong-arm approach to measure. Others hold onto the ideal that drugs are still taboo, a poison on society that must be eradicated. Evidence has shown that increased expenditures and devotion of manpower to the drug war will be ineffectual, and that the best path that this country can take is a more health oriented view. America has a jail population of (insert jail pop here). Of these, (insert jail pop of non-vio drug offenders here) are incarcerated for the nonviolent possession of a controlled substance. These people are incarcerated for choosing to do something to themselves that the government didn’t deem appropriate. There was no crime committed against anyone, except for the accused. The government has taken it into it’s hands to control an aspect of it’s citizens lives that it has no right encroaching on, and it’s doing a very poor job of it. In the drug sense, we are actually one of the harshest countries in the world. We ruin the lives of a significant portion of our population in a vain attempt at a â€Å"drug-free nation†. Other countries have chosen different routes, with significantly different results. Many countries in Europe have adopted a less harsh view on their drug laws, and have done well. In these countries, drug use is treated as a health problem, and not as a social issue. Drugs are widely tolerated in small amounts, and for the people who do have a problem, and who are dealt with, they are treated for possible addiction or psychological problems. The vast majority of people are abl... Free Essays on The Losing Drug War Free Essays on The Losing Drug War The Drug War : There’s a war being waged in our country. A war with no definable boundaries or enemies. A war that claims a victim every minute. The drug war. With controversial legislature pending in states all across the country, there are few people without an opinion. As time progresses though, more and more people are showing their support for a smarter way of drug control, empathizing a less strong-arm approach to measure. Others hold onto the ideal that drugs are still taboo, a poison on society that must be eradicated. Evidence has shown that increased expenditures and devotion of manpower to the drug war will be ineffectual, and that the best path that this country can take is a more health oriented view. America has a jail population of (insert jail pop here). Of these, (insert jail pop of non-vio drug offenders here) are incarcerated for the nonviolent possession of a controlled substance. These people are incarcerated for choosing to do something to themselves that the government didn’t deem appropriate. There was no crime committed against anyone, except for the accused. The government has taken it into it’s hands to control an aspect of it’s citizens lives that it has no right encroaching on, and it’s doing a very poor job of it. In the drug sense, we are actually one of the harshest countries in the world. We ruin the lives of a significant portion of our population in a vain attempt at a â€Å"drug-free nation†. Other countries have chosen different routes, with significantly different results. Many countries in Europe have adopted a less harsh view on their drug laws, and have done well. In these countries, drug use is treated as a health problem, and not as a social issue. Drugs are widely tolerated in small amounts, and for the people who do have a problem, and who are dealt with, they are treated for possible addiction or psychological problems. The vast majority of people are abl...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Last Voyage Of The Lusitania essays

Last Voyage Of The Lusitania essays The Lusitania was a very large ship. It was made to transport people from the US to England. It had many decks, and each deck is labeled like the ships now days. There is a deck for the first class people, a deck for second class people, an entertainment deck and some lower decks for storages and The day was May 7, 1915 just nine months into World War I. This day was to be the last voyage for the Lusitania. A German U-boat shot a torpedoe at the ship and sunk it within 20 minutes. Hundreds of people died over one hundred Americans. The biggest controversy over the sinking of the ship was, how can a ship that was so big and built to with stand up to 3 A lot of people speculated and said the reason for the sinking was, the ship was carrying military bombs and when the torpedoe penatrated the hull it ignited the bombs and blew out the whole bottom. It was true that the Lusitania was carrying military weaponry, but it was just ammunition and shrapnal, nothing that had to do with bombs. So how did it sink? Well in the movie for the first time explorer and scientist Dr. Robert Ballard discoverer of R.M.S. Titanic and the German battleship Bismarck, takes out new technology that will go down to the wreck sight and photograph the wreck and get up close and personal to see the holes in the hull to determine what actually caused the sinking of the Lusitania What they discoverd was, it was all bad luck. As they where looking around the ship on the ground they discovered coal pieces laying along the side. Now the side that the torpedoe entered was on the side that is was liying on. But when they looked for the giant hole that would have been produced from a giant explosion where the supposed bombs and explosive cargo was So they went back to the coal and went to an ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How Many Questions Can You Miss for a Perfect SAT Score

How Many Questions Can You Miss for a Perfect SAT Score SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Every year about 500 students get a perfect score on the SAT. How many questions can you get wrong and still be among this elite group? Find out here in a complete breakdown ofthe Math and Evidence-Based Reading and Writing sections across eight official SAT practice tests. How Is the SAT Scored? To understand how many questions you can get wrong and still achieve a perfect 1600, you need to understand how the test is scored. I'll give a brief summary here, but if you're interested in more details about the scoring process, check out ourguide onhow to calculate SAT score. For the whole test, you receive one point for correct answers, and you receive zero points for a wrong answer and questions skipped. Since you’re not penalized for wrong answers, skipping or answering a question incorrectly results in the same score. NOTE:The essay is not factored into your composite SAT score (400-1600 scale), so I will not discuss it further in this article. However, for more information on the new SAT essay, read our other guide. To calculate your Math section, you start by calculating a raw score, which is simply the number of questions answered correctly (if you answered 50 correctly, your raw score is 50). For the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing section, you start by calculating two raw scores: one for the Reading portion and one for the Writing and Language portion. Just as in the Math section, the raw scores are just the number of questions answered correctly. For both sections, each raw score is then converted into a scaled score - the exact conversion varies by test date. However, the College Board provides this example chart intheir SAT practice testas an estimate: Let's go through how the scoring works for each section in a bit more depth.For Math, the raw to scaled score conversion is very simple. Let’s say you miss two questions (you got 56 correct out of 58 questions); your raw score will be a 56. You then find the corresponding scaled score for Math on the chart, which is 790. Your Math section score would be a 790. For Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, the conversion is a little more complicated since you get two raw scores. If you missed three questions in Reading (got 49 of 52 correct), your raw score would be 49. If you missed ten questions in Writing (got 34 of 44 correct), your raw score would be 34. You then find the corresponding scaled score for each of those sections: Reading: 49 questions right = 38 scaled score Writing: 34 questions right = 32 scaled score Next, you add together the two separate scaled scores and multiply by 10 to get your Evidence-Based Reading and Writing section score. (38 + 32) x 10 = 70 x 10 =700 Your Evidence-Based Reading and Writing section score would be 700.Now let’s get back to the original question. Exactly How Many Questions Can You Get Wrong or Skip and Still Get a 1600? Since the scores on the individual sections are simply added together to create your composite SAT score, you need to score 800 on the two sections (Math and Evidence-Based Reading and Writing) to get a score of 1600. In the chart below, I have analyzed eight official SAT score charts and determined the number of questions you can get wrong or skip on each part of the test for an 800 in the section. These official practice SAT were written by the same people who write actual SATs. This means they're a great resource for analysis because you can be sure they'll be very similar to the SAT you take on exam day. NOTE: Since you’re not penalized for wrong answers, skipping vs. answering a question incorrectly results in the same score. Number of Questions You Can Get Wrong in Each Section and Still Get a Perfect Score Math Reading Writing Total Test 1 0 1 0 1 Test 2 0 0 0 0 Test 3 0 1 0 1 Test 4 1 0 0 1 Test 5 0 0 1 1 Test 6 0 1 0 1 Test 7 0 0 0 0 Test 8 1 0 0 1 Typically, to get an 800 in Math, you cannot miss any questions because you need to get a raw score of 58 (out of 58 questions). Occasionally, an SAT will allow you to get one wrong answer in Math as you can see on Tests 4 and 8. However, I would not count on that, as it is not the norm. If you're aiming for 1600, strive for perfection in Math. To get an 800 in Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, you cannot get any questions wrong on the Writing and Reading portions. Occasionally, an SAT will allow you to get one wrong or to skip one as you can see on Tests 1, 3 and 5 for the Reading section, or Test 5 for the Writing section. However, as with Math, that is not the norm. If you're aiming for 1600, prepare to get zero wrong in Evidence-Based Reading and Writing. Overall, on the SAT, you should aim to get no questions wrong if you want a perfect score.This is no easy feat, but it is possible. After all, about 500 students do it each year! What Does This Mean If You'reTrying to Get a 1600? You need to make sure that you can finish the entire test in the allotted time since you cannot afford to skip or miss any questions. For Math, you need to be basically perfect. You can see, through my analysis, on six out of eight Math sections, you cannot get any questions wrong if you want an 800. For Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, you also need to be basically perfect. On three out of eight Reading portions, you could get one wrong and still get 800, but you can’t rely on having that opportunity. On seven out of eight Writing sections, you cannot get any questions wrong if you want an 800. What's Next? Trying to get a perfect SAT score? You should check out our SAT study guide. Taking the SAT soon and need to improve your score in a hurry? Read our SAT cramming guide. Aiming for the Ivy League? Read our guide to getting in! Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep classes. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our classes are entirely online, and they're taught by SAT experts. If you liked this article, you'll love our classes. Along with expert-led classes, you'll get personalized homework with thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step, custom program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Try it risk-free today:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Chapter 7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Chapter 7 - Essay Example Team work emphasis Ordinarily, the claim of hatred of people in different functions by Richard Palemo of Xerox is true and binding. The variation in attitude of hatred could be as a result of many reasons. The members do not show respect with one another. When an organization lacks respect among the employees there would be hatred and no unity will be in the organization. The problem of superiority complex and lack of appreciation in the organization has also been the source of hatred. Most of the employees cannot stand to work in the place where there is no appreciation and promotion. Hatred towards the senior develops when the demand for the workers are not met. In addition lack of common purpose could also be a source of hatred. To solve these problems in the departments, I will institute a proper mechanism that will make the employees to have same vision and purpose.Ordinarily, same purpose will promote collaboration and this reduces hatred. There is also need for motivation and appreciation among the employees. Hatred will reduce when employees are promoted or given incentives when they perform. Above all, there is also the need for proper communication among the

Finding George Orwell in Burma Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Finding George Orwell in Burma - Assignment Example Moreover, while using the social media, the youths should be encouraged to use strong passwords which can be easily hacked by third party members. You should make main stream media and advertising channels your base for distribution. Most audiences using P2P networks often avoid the use of such kind of channels and by using them to advertise hot topics like trending movies and TV series, they are forced to constantly check their social media tools for updates on what is trending (Becker, 2008). You should run social media ads along P2P sites as youth audiences browsing through such sites will come along them and if the social media are good, they will be forced to shift to social media sites for more details hence promoting the a relationship between social media and the P2P networks. To achieve a return on investment in youths assessing P2P channels through social media, you are required to strategize on your digital marketing campaigns. This will you to be efficient and effective on your media and marketing experience as you wills have to increase traffic of P2P channels on social media platforms by delivering appropriate messages which are aimed at targeting the youth. You should be knowledgeable on trending topics concerning the youths like hot music selling and apply sound methodologies to measure the amount of initiative applied to attract audiences through social platforms like face book or twitter (Becker, 2008). You should apply the social media in developing metrics or marketing analytics to better manage the campaigns and communication channels of P2P channels. This you can achieve through using social media ads appropriately to promote transparency of processes and channels available on P2P channels. You should also ensure that the social media guarantees for the security of audiences using P2P channels. Since there are fears that the social media holds private and personal information about individuals, the youths can be

Friday, October 18, 2019

Inequality in society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Inequality in society - Essay Example What he does not elaborate is on the manner of exploitation that he claims life offers. Pope, on his part, agrees that there exists equality in life and goes on to expound on those that an individual is born with. He asserts that the inequality that life offers depends on the scope of life that one is taking. The success of life, according to him, is relative and thus the relativity of the inequalities. What one considers success would not be success to the other thus the disparity. However, he agrees with the fact that the elements that aid one achieve that which he or she would consider success vary amongst individuals. Francois-Marie Aroet deVoltaire in most of his works also points out though very briefly on the subject of equality. According to him, each individual deserves that which he or she gets. He groups individuals in categories, and these he argues that life has a way of grouping people then offering them equal opportunity to succeed or fail. His first argument is on cla ss where he implies that an individual simply walks to school not knowing who he is likely to meet there. Once there a class of forty or so, students are attended to by similar teachers and what comes out of them at the end of the ten or so years of a course solely depend on how well they had made use of the equal opportunity life offered them at the beginning (Brumfitt 58). In pre medieval society when life had not been stratified as it is today and there was no formal system of education, Voltaire argues that there still belonged pre medieval ways of life grouping people. These were either in the age groups or sets and he insists that even in the modern society, a person’s success is compared against that of his peers. Rousseau’s Discourse on Inequality Jean Jacques Rousseau starts his discourse by putting a claim that there are two types of inequality which are natural or physical and ethical or political. According to him, these are the inequalities in life that ma ke one individual who was at a similar level with his peers all of a sudden appear to have jumped two or three stages in life. First, he begins by stating that the society is stratified. The stratification he asserts to are the social societal divisions where there are low income earners who belong to the lower class of the society. This is preceded by the middle class which is composed of average earners who are people who are not very rich in the society but they would not lack a basic need and some even afford some elements of luxury. The low class is made up of individuals who struggle to make ends meet, their main priority revolve around the meeting of the three basic needs and most of these people live lives of abject want. At the top of this class societal stratification system are the rich and the wealthy who are referred to as belonging to the first class. Most members of this group are political leaders and business men who he later refers to as capitalist. On natural ineq uality, he begins by stating is found in the disparities of each man’s physical strength. Some people are stronger than others and this would go a long way in determining the success level of the person, and in the long run determine which of the society’s class he finds himself. The strong can use force to take away belongings of the weak and this was evident in the pre medieval times when Alexander the great nearly conquered the whole world because of his military strength. In a

Tampa Bay Buccaneers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Tampa Bay Buccaneers - Essay Example Dunn’s reason for failing to complete the project on time was that the city failed to honour their terms of the contract. This paper will examine the contract, and who, between the two parties, is liable for a lawsuit. Under contract law, there are legal promises made to parties getting into an agreement (Monahan, 2001). Dunn, in this case, was entering into an arrangement with the city to start and complete the new city stadium. He knew of the time factor, but was ready to meet the challenge. However, his non-completion meant that he did not honour the terms of the agreement. The contract involved a bargain between Dunn and the city. He was liable to pay the city for all the financial damages the city might have incurred during the pre-season. Dunn, however, did not enter into the agreement alone. The city also made legal promises to him, which according to him, it did not fulfil. Their failure to honour some of the promises made to him by the city resulted in his failure to complete the project. The contract implied that Dunn would receive safety detail while working on the stadium. They, unfortunately, failed to fulfil their part of the deal. This meant that Dunn was responsible for everything that went on while working to complete the stadium. He catered for everything that was required while working on the project, in order to fulfil his end of the contract. The reason for his failure to complete the project on time was, therefore, justified. He incurred extra costs that should have been the city’s responsibility. Dunn, in the long run, should not pay any damages to the city. They should pay him for the extra amount of capital he might have put into the project. This is extra capital the city should have been catering for as part of their contract deal. While the pre-season started and the games shifted to another stadium, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers received an amount for their fans moving to watch their games in the other city’s stadium.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Editing in Memoirs of a Geisha Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Editing in Memoirs of a Geisha - Essay Example This is especially well done in the sumo wrestling scene, where the viewer is able to watch the geisha, the Chairman, Nobu, and her mentor as they meet and discuss the match and life in the real world outside of the ring and the tea house. This focus on expression and verbal interplay continues throughout the film and enhances the final scenes when the Chairman and the geisha meet and finally express their devotion for one another. The editor frequently cuts back and forth to the vast sky and the large town, as seen from the rooftops. These scenes are used to convey motion and the growing of the geisha. Her initial journey from the country to the city is played out by cutting from her departure from the train station, to a view of a moving train as seen from a distance to her arrival at another station. She grows from child to woman when the editor cuts from the scene of her praying at the temple to the city in winter from an aerial view. When she first considers running away the edi tor cuts back and forth between her on the roof looking out at the city and the vast amount of rooftops that stretch out below her. The scenery plays almost as important a role, conveying unspoken emotions, as the characters do. Every scene is beautifully edited in a manner that makes the most of the characters’ facial and physical expressions, their interactions, and the world around them, making this an interesting and entertaining movie for the viewer. It is easy to get swept away and I was left wanting more.

Bipolar Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Bipolar - Assignment Example There are certain forms of medication that are used to control the symptoms of bipolar disorder It is important to note that, bipolar has different types of medications that can help control its symptoms. However, not every patient with bipolar disorder responds to medications in a similar manner. This means that doctors could prescribe different medications before coming to the ones that work best for a particular patient. The types of medications generally used in the treatment of bipolar disorder include atypical antipsychotics, mood stabilizers and antidepressants (Grunze, et.al, 2013). Mood stabilizers are normally the first choice in the treatment of bipolar. Patients with bipolar generally use mood stabilizers for years. There are several mood stabilizers that are good for people with bipolar. First, lithium also known as Lithobid or Eskalith is an effective mood stabilizer for bipolar patients. It treats both manic and depressive episodes. However, lithium could have side effects including restlessness, bloating, dry mouth, acne and joint and muscle pain among other side effects. The doctor should first check the amount of lithium in the body before prescribing the medication. Secondly, anticonvulsants are also used as stabilizers for people with bipolar disorder. They help control moods. Examples of anticonvulsants include Valproic acid, Lamotrigine, gabapentin, oxcarbazepine and topiramate. However, anticonvulsants could have side effects including drowsiness, headache, dizziness, heartburn, constipation and mood swings (McCance & Huether, 2010). Atypical antipsychotics are used to treat the symptoms of bipolar, however, not all the time. They are prescribed among other medications such as antidepressants and they include olanzapine, aripiprazole and quetiapine. These also have side effects that include dizziness, drowsiness, sensitivity to the sun, menstrual problems for women and rapid heartbeat

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Editing in Memoirs of a Geisha Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Editing in Memoirs of a Geisha - Essay Example This is especially well done in the sumo wrestling scene, where the viewer is able to watch the geisha, the Chairman, Nobu, and her mentor as they meet and discuss the match and life in the real world outside of the ring and the tea house. This focus on expression and verbal interplay continues throughout the film and enhances the final scenes when the Chairman and the geisha meet and finally express their devotion for one another. The editor frequently cuts back and forth to the vast sky and the large town, as seen from the rooftops. These scenes are used to convey motion and the growing of the geisha. Her initial journey from the country to the city is played out by cutting from her departure from the train station, to a view of a moving train as seen from a distance to her arrival at another station. She grows from child to woman when the editor cuts from the scene of her praying at the temple to the city in winter from an aerial view. When she first considers running away the edi tor cuts back and forth between her on the roof looking out at the city and the vast amount of rooftops that stretch out below her. The scenery plays almost as important a role, conveying unspoken emotions, as the characters do. Every scene is beautifully edited in a manner that makes the most of the characters’ facial and physical expressions, their interactions, and the world around them, making this an interesting and entertaining movie for the viewer. It is easy to get swept away and I was left wanting more.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Books Activity - print or electronic media Essay

Books Activity - print or electronic media - Essay Example I did not have to focus on forming images in my mind or connecting the story. Since everything was right before me on the television screen, my mind wandered a lot and I barely absorbed what I was watching. After both experiences, I have determined that I find the printed word much more enjoyable, as well as exhilarating. One of the most exciting things about reading a book is being able to determine on my own what everything looks like, from the characters to the settings. When it comes to a television show, there is no room left for imagination. The creators of the show have decided everything for you. If my mind is not actively involved in the activity, I feel no connection to it. With a book, I am able to keep my focus by becoming engaged in the story as I try to picture all that is going on; while watching television, it becomes harder to get myself involved in a story that already has unalterable images. As such, I am definitely a print media person as opposed to an electronic media

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Charismatic Leadership Style Essay Example for Free

The Charismatic Leadership Style Essay The Charismatic Leadership Style I have chosen to write my journal article on a leadership style known as a Ccharismatic Leader. Its difficult to identify the characteristics that make a leader charismatic, but they certainly include the ability to communicate on a very powerful emotional level, and probably include some personality traits. I do not believe that charismatic leadership is essential to be an effective leader but it can enhance the leadership journey. The Charismatic Leader gathers followers through based upon their personality and charm, rather than any form of external power or authority. Possessing these characteristics can be an extremely powerful way to gain and lead others. They can also make their followers (ordinary people) do some pretty extraordinary things. Charismatic leaders have the ability to sense the gap that exists between what an organization and culture of people and empower them to come together as one. By bridging this gap the leader can create a vision of a future state that everyone believes will be better than the current one. The charismatic leader often communicates their vision using metaphors and stories in ways that everyone can understand the vision. Their followers see the leader as one that possesses the ability to visualize the future with clarity. Their followers are also able to see how they fit into this future state and believe it will be better than today. Charismatic leaders do these things constantly in large and small ways. Charismatic Leaders are visionaries. They focus on transforming situations, not just maintaining. They will show great confidence in their followers. They are very persuasive and make very effective use of body language as well as verbal language. Many politicians use a charismatic style, as they need to gather a large number of followers. The person who I think is a great charismatic leader is Barack Obama. I have listened to a lot of his speeches and he has the power to motivate and empower people with his words, his testimony and his story of overcoming many trials and obstacles. Barack Obama is often compared to John F. Kennedy, who is arguably the most charismatic President of the United States. â€Å"Todays environment emphasizes organizational learning and follower empowerment conditions that promote mutual respect and dialogue. However, even in this environment leaders can, sometimes unwittingly, enact subtle abuses. Generally included in the typical definition of power are the notions of dependency and control: a leaders ability to determine followers behavior stems at least in part from the followers dependency on the leader. This, in turn, is based on leaders control over the various aspects of organizational life affecting followers or perceived as needed by followers, such as material resources and organizational advancement.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

SABMillers Strategic position

SABMillers Strategic position Identify SABMillers Strategic position: In order to Identify the companys position; it is important to carry out its Business external analysis; it is also essential to identify its core competences and capabilities as well as stakeholder expectations in order to successfully identify the companys strategic position. SABMillers External Analysis: In order to asses SABMillers external analysis; I have constructed a PESTEL analysis (appendix 1); Porters 5 forces (appendix 2); THE BCG matrix (appendix 3) and its competition Analysis (appendix 4). After conducting Porters five forces of the Brewing Industry; I have found many interesting outcomes relating to SABMiller as the overall markets of the brewing industry arent clearly attractive; its performance depends on the ability to expand its market share and exploit opportunities in the emerging markets. However, the brewing industry in growing markets, which SABMiller operates, is highly attractive but not for new entrants; its especially attractive for the dominant players in the Industry; which in this case SABMiller is one of them. After analysing my Porters 5 forces; it is conclusive that it would be extremely hard for new entrants to compete in these emerging markets due to the high dominance of the main competitors. I have also observed other good points such as the low level of power within suppliers; however the power of suppliers is increasing especially in USA due to the rising costs of energy and Aluminium but in under developed countries; it is conclusive that SABMiller has the overall power of its suppliers; as its an international brewer; finding suppliers wouldnt be a major issue. Its Conclusive that the power of Buyers is very high; due to the end consumer having a growing number of choices from other brewers as there are no switching costs; the end consumer can choose any drink to have so its up to the brewing companies to emphasise its targeted customers to drink its products. It is also conclusive that the power of substitutes is low but it is significantly growing. Due to the modern consciousness of healthy living; low calorie beers and non alcoholic beverages are increasing in volume; this doesnt affect SABMiller as much compared to other brewers as the company it self produces alternative products to beer such as the low calorie versions; SABMiller has also recently entered wine and soft drinks market in Africa as Im predicting more of this similar strategic activity will occur in other markets. From the PESTEL; Porters 5 forces and the Competition Analysis; I am concluding that SABMiller operates in developing as well as matured markets. These markets include very challenging aspects which in the past has limited the threat of new entrants. These markets include very tough competition; as rivalry in the Brewing Industry is increasingly high. These markets tend to have a fragmented brewing industry and it is essential to have extensive capital and knowledge to setup a brewing enterprise. In developed and more matured markets the industry is consolidated and dominated by a few, larger players. As such, these large companies, like SABMiller tend to own multiple brands with different market positions. In this market, it is much easier for competitors to launch rival products that compete directly on price and thus eroding market share. After analysing the companys competition; SABMiller has and still is experiencing this problem; For example in North America; especially recently where InBev has bought Anheuser-Busch; this has helped the dominant Brewer to enlarge a further space between themselves and SABMiller; which has affected the companys market share future plans deeply. SABMiller now has to come up with new innovative ideas to try and close the gap between them and A-B InBev. The American Industry is the largest brewing market by value as rivalry is now more intense than ever; meaning more competitors are entering into a price war with SABMiller. This has become a huge threat for SABMiller; but it does also hold opportunities to weaken this threat down. For example the company has the opportunity to acquire more stakes in the Brazilian Market; or become the owner of China resources which is the largest brewer in China. Both these markets I have mentioned are matured yet and still hold many growing estimates. After conducting a stakeholder analysis; I have come up with simple assessments that SABMiller had to make some strategic choices to please its key players. SABs acquisition of Miller was largely due to the pressure from the London Stock Exchange. It is felt that SAB was at risk due to its over reliance of soft currencies in certain market. This resulted in a poor performance in the London Stock Exchange in the year of 2000. Even though their core competences were elsewhere, SAB went on with the takeover to please the stakeholders. Media and analysts have come out with unfavourable reports on SABMiller. These particular stakeholders needed to be pleased. From my BCG Matrix; its conclusive that its Western European operations are a dog and SABMiller should ideally get out of the market as further investment will end up little positive results. But this wont be possible due to the investors expectations of a market presence in Western Europe. Internal Analysis: SABMillers Core Competences: Core Competences are the skills and abilities by which Resources are deployed through an Organisations activities and processes such as to achieve competitive advantage in ways that others cannot imitate or obtain. (J.S.W. 8th Edition; p852: Glossary) From the very beginning, SABMiller had developed unique competences in analysing its business environment; meaning that the company expertises in analysing a market that is aiming to operate in. SABMillers activities are heavily influenced by the political, social and legislative environmental factors within which it operates; meaning this has made the company proactive when dealing with macro factors. SABMillers South African culture has shaped the strategic development of the company. It is this culture, which makes their distinct capability of entering emerging markets less imitable. As highlighted in the case study, SABMillers strategy represents a synthesis of learning based on the historical developments of the company (J.S.W. 8th Edition; Case Study: SABMiller; McQuade, 2006). Mapping out the early days in South Africa, SABMillers strategy was flexible and responsive to the market. SABMiller acquired local brewing businesses to enable them to grow and overcome certain business restrictions through acquisition. SABMiller also expanded their portfolio to include wine, matches and the Sun City casino resort. When the political regime and the regulatory environment lifted, SABMiller developed three mega-breweries in South Africa. By being at ease in these types of challenging environments it enables SABMiller to aggressively grow and capture market share when arguably other firms would be paralysed by fear. Instead, SABMiller are able to scan their external environment and turn threats into opportunities. In doing so, providing a distinct set of capabilities, which is very difficult to imitate. The tough African roots have given SABMiller the confidence and self belief to come up with solutions during tough conditions in developing markets. The company is also very experienced in dealing with very sensitive governments and local communities. These efforts also show that they are very flexible. SAB used its expert management skills learnt from Africa, to turnaround Millers fortunes. Traditional SAB system of employee performance rating was used in Miller. These efforts earned them the name turnaround specialists. The parenting style of SABMiller adds value to the breweries. In the new markets they retain the brand, but transforming the business by adding quality and consistency to the beer. They develop the marketing, distribution productivity and capacity of the business. SABMiller is highly experienced in acquisitions and takeovers. This competency gave them the confidence to take risks and takeover high profile targets like Grupo Empresarial Bavaria. As in the case of Miller, SABMiller added further value in to the company by bringing its own operating practices and management skills. After conducting the companys analysis; it is conclusive that SABMiller has shown outstanding flexibility from its very origin. Its decisions during the apartheid period show a core competency in developing strategic choices and environmental scanning. The emergence of competitors in its prime markets is a case of concern. In future, SABMiller will have to face tough competition from its rivals; a glimpse was seen in the USA market. The key to SABMillers success will be its strategic brand management and its brand portfolio. SABMillers generic strategy and core competences The BCG Matrix mainly relates to the markets which SABMiller is currently operating in. These tools all relate to the brewing Industry; as its the industry which relates and particularly affects SABMiller. The chosen sequence for the analysis not only provides an insight into SABs environment, but also facilitates assessing opportunities for the future, as most investors see a need for SAB to enter the developed market.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Comparing Victor Frankenstein and the Monster in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein :: Comparison Compare Contrast Essays

Similarities Between Victor and the Monster in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein and the monster that he creates are very similar. For example, Victor creates the monster to be like himself. Another similarity is that the anger of both Victor and the monster is brought about by society. One more parallel between Victor and the monster is that they both became recluses. These traits that Victor and the monster possess show that they are very similar. One way that Victor and the monster are alike is that Victor creates the monster like himself. Victor does not plan to create the monster like himself, but the monster becomes very much like Victor. â€Å"God, in pity, made man beautiful and alluring, after his own image; but my form is a filthy type of yours, more horrid even from the very resemblance† (93). The monster does not resemble Victor physically; instead, they share the same personalities. For example, Victor and the monster are both loving beings. Both of them want to help others and want what is best for others. Victor and the monster try to help the people that surround them. Victor tries to console his family at their losses, and the monster assists the people living in the cottage by performing helpful tasks. However, Victor and the monster do not reflect loving people. The evil that evolves in Victor’s heart is also present in the monster. The evil that is present in Victor and the monster is another example of similarity between the characters. This evil in both characters is caused, although not directly with Victor, by society. The monster tries to be accepted by society. He shows kindness toward society and he tries to help people. However, he is immediately rejected by society because of his ugly physical appearance. The evil and the anger present in the monster comes when the monster presents himself as a friend to a family that he has secretly helped. Instead of accepting the monster as one of their own, the family immediately sees the ugly form of the monster and rejects him. â€Å"There was none from the myriads of men who would pity or assist me; and should I feel kindness towards my enemies? No: from that moment I declared ever-lasting war against the species, and, more than all, against him who had formed me, and sent me forth to this insupportable misery† (97).

Friday, October 11, 2019

Fighting, Ruben Wolfe

Fighting Ruben Wolfe by Markus Zusak Fighting Ruben Wolfe is just a novel about teenage boys fighting. Discuss. Fighting Ruben Wolfe by Markus Zusak is not just about teenage boys fighting. It is also about two teenagers growing up with their family facing financial issues and about family relationships. Family in Fighting Ruben Wolfe is shown by the family being brought closer together, but they struggle because the father is currently unemployed and the mother is working two jobs, so it feels like the parents aren’t for their children as much as they were before Mr Wolfe’s accident.Mr and Mrs Wolfe are stressed because they can’t pay all the bills and as a result they can’t look after their children as well as they used to. At the beginning of the book, Sarah comes home drunk and Cameron and Ruben are at the dog track a lot. Once the boys started fighting, Mr and Mrs Wolfe don’t notice the bruises on the boys. These problems for the Wolfe family c learly show that Fighting Ruben Wolfe is just as much about family as fighting. It also shows that the family are facing financial issues. Financial issues in Fighting Ruben Wolfe by Markus Zusak are shown by family having very little money.They have hardly any money because Mr Wolfe is unemployed. In Chapter 6 of Fighting Ruben Wolfe, the first paragraph proves that they have very little money â€Å"The phone has been cut of because we don’t have the money to pay the bill. Or really Mum and Dad don’t have the money to pay it. Steve or Sarah could pay but there’s no way. It’s not allowed. It’s not even considered. † The main two characters, Cameron and Ruben have started to fight illegally so they could earn money to help pay for their bit. So there is fighting in the novel, but it is not just about fighting.These examples demonstrate that there are also financial issues in the novel. Fighting Ruben Wolfe by Markus Zusak is not just a novel about teenage boys fighting, it’s also about two teenagers growing up, showing there struggles in life, and also shows what two normal teenagers will do for their family. But the brother’s soon find out that there not just fighting for money, but also for identity, for dignity, and for each other. When Mr. Wolfe finally accepts that their broke, he goes down to Centrelink to get the doll. But as proud as Cameron and Ruben are, they go and try to stop him.Finally the parents find out that they fight. They don’t act kindly to this at the start, but then they realize how important this is to them and then they let them still compete. They keep on fighting and end up fighting each other in the end, but because both brothers are very series about their fighting, the fight series and Ruben defeats Cameron, But Cameron is very proud and didn’t give up till the very wnd. This book has taught me to be grateful for what I have and to always respect my family, this book was very interesting and I thoroughly enjoyed it. By Liam Truscott 9a

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Salesforce Case Study

1 . How does Salesforce. com use cloud computing? Salesforce. com use clound computing software as a service . Many advantages and disadvantages come with using the software-as-a-service model. Some of the advantages include: Automatic updates- This means that the user will always be getting the latest version of the software, with no new downloads required. No installs- You don’t have to worry about installing software onto any of the computers. This leaves less room for compatibility issues for computers. Usually if you use a standard web browser, more than likely you will be able to use the service. Low Cost- The upfront cost of cloud computing is small. The user can space the payments out over a period of time, paying monthly payments. Doing this avoids any large upfront costs. There are also disadvantages of using this model. These include: Security issues- Since software-as-a-service is not run directly by the company using it, it is possible that the information can be seen and leaked by others who run the program. Online connection-An online connection is needed to run the system. Therefore if you are somewhere without internet service, you will be unable to use the program. Ongoing payments-Ongoing payments are necessary to keep the service going. Unlike regular software where you only pay one payment to install it, if you don’t pay for the services your account will be shutoff. 2. How does Salesforce. com use cloud computing? AnsSalesforce has come across several challenges throughout its growth. One of these challenges is competition from new businesses wanting to replicate Salesforce and also from traditional industrial leaders. A few of these competitors includes Microsoft, SAP, Oracle, and smaller companies such as NetSuite. Another challenge for Salesforce is deciding if it should expand its business into other areas. As of now, Salesforce is used mainly by sales staff to keep track of leads and customer lists. Salesforce has formed a partnership with Google to hopefully expand functionally. A third challenge for Salesforce is its availability. It has occasional outages, causing companies that depend on Salesforce to be available 27/7 to rethink their usage as software as a service. Salesforce is working very hard to overcome these challenges. They are doing their best to keep up with competitors and to expand their business. They are also providing tools to assure dependability to their clients about the systems reliability. They are offering an application that allows users to work offline, which is a big advantage in case a person is unable to have internet service and needs to use the system. 3. What kinds of businesses could benefit from switching to Salesforce and why? Ans. Just about any company could benefit by switching to Salesforce. com. Salesforce is a great way for companies to keep track of records and information. Almost every company needs a place to be able to manage these types of things. Salesforce gives companies a single place to store all their information and can only be accessed by authorized employees. 4. What factors would you take into account in deciding whether to use Saleforce. com for your business? One of the factors I would take into consideration when deciding if I would use Salesforce for my business is its reliability. If my company had a rough time with its internet service, then I probably wouldn’t use Salesforce, considering that internet service is a requirement. I would also determine if my company would have the money to continuously pay for the program. I would think about its security issues and how that could affect my business. I would also think about how no installation is needed. This means that it’s one less software I have to download on my computer to slow it down and take up storage space. I consider this to be a really big advantage to using Salesforce. 5. Could a company run its entire business using Salesforce. com, Force. com, and App Exchange? Explain your answer. Yes, a company could run its entire business using Salesforce. com and App Exchange. From what I have seen on the Salesforce. com website, it can accommodate businesses processes such as sales, marketing, finance, manufacturing, and HR. When I looked up all the different applications on App Exchange, I saw that there are apps for just about everything. Applications can support tasks such as emailing, creating documents, and e-signatures. Between Salesforce. com and App Exchange, a company has everything necessary to successfully run a business.

English Language Coursework †Task One and Introduction Essay

Task One Robin Lakoff devised a theory of language and gender differences. She believed that women had a greater lexis when describing subjects such as colours where men would have a greater lexis in subjects such as sports. Lakoff also believed that women use more prestige grammar and clear pronunciation with more intensifiers than men. Therefore I have chosen to see whether these patterns occur within boys and girls aged 7-8 to see if they have developed these attributes even at an early age. The audience I feel that would be appropriate to my research are people who work with or study children, A level or university students and people with a general interest of this topic. This is because by working with children you will be keen to pick up new information to help you with your work so you may find some here and an A level student taking English language may look at this for an example. By observing the speech of children’s language I will be able to decide whether there is a difference in gender. People are influenced throughout their lives; they are influenced by things such as their environment, media and social groups. At an early age children are looking towards their families and peers to see how they should act. This shows children are aware upon how to communicate with others, therefore leading the possibility that even at a young age they have the same traits as an adult. The research question I have concluded with is, are language and gender differences apparent within children ages 7-8 as there are in adults? Robin Lakoff stated that there are differences in spoken language between men and women so I have decided to see if children still have these differences. The reason for this is because at such an early age every child is thought of the same and it is hard to see a dominate gender; this was a key issue with early studies of men and women. Robin Lakoff also said ‘women use hypercorrect grammar and pronunciation’ but since the children are only 7-8 years old they are still learning basic English skills. This means that this point will not apply here since the children are young. I have chosen this topic area because I was not aware that there was a gender difference in language until I was taught it. I have taken a interest in this because men and women are both educated in the same way and thought to be brought up the same so I believed that they would have the same attitude in language. Another reason I have chosen this is because women are seen as the less dominate gender but when I was a child I was not aware of this so I am interested to see if there are signs of this even at such a young age. I expect to find that even at an early age the boys will interrupt more as they tend to be very energetic whereas the girls will be more descriptive in describing an object. Introduction When studying English language I found out that there was gender differences within speech, this took my interest as I believe that women now are equal to men. I felt that some of these differences maybe because of the language men and women use. When researching this topic I found out that Robin Lakoff devised a theory that there are differences between the language of men and women and how males are more dominant speakers than females. This is because females are believed to be less assertive and tend not to interrupt during conversation like men do. This could branch onto discrimination as this a topic seen throughout life and it may give reasons to why females are discriminated more than males since they are not seen as the dominate gender. Another reason why I am doing this because I am interested how we develop our skills when we are young, why we develop them and who influences us on the language we use. I think the way we brought up and the language we are taught to use plays a big role in our society because I feel that each person uses their own distinctive language from each one and another, this is because I could tell a friend from another purely because of the vocabulary and dialect the person uses. Therefore I wanted to look to see if this still applies to boys and girls at a young age where they are seen to be innocent and they would not pick up on these differences. I will do this by talking to children ages 7-8 the same questions and taking down their response. The problem that may arise with this is that some children are more confident than others; this means they will not be as shy with their response as another child would.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

To what extent can you consider the Arab World culture to be one Essay

To what extent can you consider the Arab World culture to be one singular culture - Essay Example Literature review is used in order to present important normative information on the Arab countries to which this study refers. On the other hand, the literature helps to identify the views of theorists regarding the characteristics and the importance of culture as part of a country’s social framework. Culture is an important part of a country’s history; in fact, culture reflects the development of a country’s social and political life. Through the decades, the changes on a country’s culture can be explained using the ‘social comparison’ theory; this theory is based on the assumption that every individual is likely ‘to use others to make sense of himself and his social world’ (Guimond, 2006, 15); in accordance with Singerman et al. (2006) ‘culture can be seen as a kind of soft power spreading the image and influence of the state beyond its borders among the peoples of other nations’ (Singerman et al., 2006, 157). At the next level, it is noted that the development of culture across a country – but also across a greater region – can be achieved using a series of different tools/ paths, like ‘media products, educational infrastructure and models of economic development and modernization’ (Singerma n et al., 2006, 157). The culture of Arab countries can be explained by referring primarily to the characteristics of Arab culture as an indication of a specific way of life; indeed, in the study of Moran et al. (2007, 316) it is noted that the term ‘Arab’ is mainly related with a specific way of life – the nomadic way of life; through the decades, the term has been used in order to refer to the culture of people living in Middle East; however, it is made clear that not all people living in this area have the same cultural characteristics mostly because today Arab is considered to be related with

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Romanticism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Romanticism - Essay Example I would agree with the statement that music is emotional. It could also be said that music is the most emotional of all arts. However I do not agree that music finds its ultimate style in Romanticism. Many composers, before and after the Romanticism movement, can evoke emotion as well. The Romantic style opened the doors for a broader spectrum of emotional music. It broke the standards of music of the time, allowing composers and musicians to express themselves openly. I do respect the Romantic style for that. While I have my favorites, I would not place one music style over another one. This includes the Romanticism era as well. Romanticism allowed the composer or artist the freedom to express their emotions. Instead of trying to please the audience, the artist wrote and played music for themselves. Lee Marshall explains: The only appropriate judge of the work becomes the artists himself because only the artist knows whether the work is true and the audience can only abide by Romanticism’s ‘first law [which] is the will of the creator.’ (33) The artist pours themselves into a piece of work, which in turn allows the audience to feel the artist’s emotion more clearly. An example would be Shubert’s â€Å"Death and a Maiden†. This piece of music relates how Shubert feels about his impending death.