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Sunday, November 3, 2019

Sustainable Tourism with Antalya Personal Statement

Sustainable Tourism with Antalya - Personal Statement Example The poor environmental management programmes that cause heavy damage to the natural resources are other set of issues that was brought to my focus following a review of literature and analyzing other articles on tourism. Further, a total refinement of the research took place after a discussion with my tutor who helped to stretch my imagination and comprehension. The basic approach suggested to me was to have a clear understanding about the term "sustainable development". I was asked to have a thorough analysis of book edited by Brundland that narrated what sustainable development should represent. This book, which turned out be the corner stone for all sustainable development practices across the globe, had given much needed impetus into the research process. This helped to identify the more specific aspect of the research like the impact on the socio-economic, cultural and ecological issues in the region of the study with respect to the tourism development. The reflective learning p rocess that I had with the tutor on the research process design was the important factor that contributed to the successful completion of the research activity. The research process undertaken has given a variety of learning experience besides the success that was achieved in the attaining the project objective. It varied from the realization of own capabilities, the approaches to improve my own information level, understanding the role of secondary sources for improving our conceptual understanding and equipping me to draw appropriate inferences and conclusion from any process. The research on Sustainable Development of Antalya had given me an opportunity to experience all aspect of cognitive - transformative learning and also learning from reflection (Moon, 6-7). The initial idea that I had from the intuition and imagination was the basis of the process. Though I was trying to design various courses of action in this manner, it was soon realized that that inadequate information levels caused severe problems on the design of the research structure. This was eliminated when I had discussion with the tutor and the reflection that I received from him changed the perception of the approach. It gave me more insight to the preparation of the initial road map for the entire process. Further, I soon realized that most of the interfaces that I would have made with the initial set of observation would have been more on my judgment rather than on real aspect of the fact. Similar set of experiences was also reported in the study related to the learning experience of medical students. It is reported that students who were more involved with the reflection based learning showed marked improvement in their learning skills (Andrew, 391-391, Yokawa, 44-49). Thus the reflective learning has helped me to understand the role of realty, values and action in the process of making judgments. The deep learning from discussion and experience from the other was another major learning experience that I had through this research. The importance of understanding the basis of any sustainable tourism initiatives was obtained from enquiry into reported literature on the theories proposed. Thus need for careful observation into the facts that are needed to supplement our observation and the importance

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