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Provide a reading of Nosferatu and discuss how it established the Vampire sub-genre Essay Example

Give a perusing of Nosferatu and examine how it built up the Vampire sub Give a perusing of Nosferatu and examine how it built up the Vam...

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Course Affects on My Views Regarding Sexuality Essays

Overall, I found the course to be freeing, liberating and challenging. I have what many think to be an unorthodox view regarding sexuality and the way that the physical union between husband and wife reflects our relationship with God. It was freeing to be confirmed in my open exploration and beliefs. It was liberating to apply areas of Penner’s readings to my marriage. It is good to introduce freshness to a marriage along the way and even more so as the years go by. I am challenged to new levels and depths of biblical thinking regarding sex and sexuality. The Crooks and Baur text was a good contrast to Penner’s text. The two text books coupled with the Bible made for interesting discoveries and confirmations. Writing out my story of†¦show more content†¦Knowing one’s self is essential to bringing wholeness and health to the union. â€Å"Physical and emotional self-awareness are crucial elements in satisfying sexual experiences† (Morehouse, 2001; Schwartz, 2003). After one has embraced the gift of sex, one still must be whole, healthy and know one’s self well. The individual who is confident and comfortable with self is ready to be united in marriage and experience the enjoyment of all aspects of the gift of marriage with another. Any attempt to become one with another apart from wholeness will most likely result in the unrealistic expectation of completeness coming from one’s spouse. This is idolatry, because it is Christ who completes us and giving that responsibility to someone else is wrong. â€Å"And you are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power† (Colossians 2:10). Self-awareness is a personal responsibility to God, self, and one’s mate. While I know myself well, I still discovered that I can know myself better as self evolves as one experiences seasons of life. Another concept that was thought provoking was attachment styles. One is a product of those that are influential in their lives. â€Å"Individuals transfer attachment styles and patterns acquired from parent-child relationships to peers with whom they become emotionally and sexually involved. In this sense, romantic partners come to serve as attachment figures† (Aspelmeier Kerns, 2003;Show MoreRelatedSex Education Is A Process Of Building A Strong Foundation For Sexual Health1166 Words   |  5 Pagesdecisions regarding sexual activity, if they are not properly educated. Not educating America’s youth in all or most aspects of sex education, it is similar to allowing them to drive without being previously instructed. Which means students will be confused and unfortunately end up in collisions. The choice of not allowing comprehensive sex education is schools is dangerous and can result in lifelong consequences. 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