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Provide a reading of Nosferatu and discuss how it established the Vampire sub-genre Essay Example

Give a perusing of Nosferatu and examine how it built up the Vampire sub Give a perusing of Nosferatu and examine how it built up the Vam...

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Leadership Behavioral Leadership Model

Question: Discuss about the Leadershipfor Behavioral Leadership Model. Answer: Introduction In the past few years, I have learnt a lot on leadership having worked in different organizations. In this paper I will be creating a leadership model that I think works well in organizations.The leadership model explores various leadership areas such as ethics, teamwork and management. This paper explores characteristics of a leader that shape how they will lead in the future. I will also analyze how an effective leader should be based on my past experiences.(Bass and Riggio, 2014). In my view, many leaders have dreams, plans, goals to meet their people expectations , a leader should inspire his people or employees if it is an organization . From my past experience in the organization a leader should first grow himself as a person and as a leader. Leaders have to lead us to ourselves before they lead others. Behavioral LeadershipModel In my view, a companys success is based on leaders who help their employees to achieve their goals by creating relationships focused on the quality of work, coupled with generosity and solidarity to get the employee to achieve a successful personal and professional development(HAWKINS, 2017). A companys leadership determines the success of a leader. In big business, this topic has always been debated. However,in my view when I was working in an organizations as a senior manager it does not matter if the leader is born or nurtured, it is undoubted that a visionary leader is valued in the organization for being a driver and generator of added value within the organization(Heath, 2010). leadership is a visionary and broad activity that seeks to discern the values and competencies of an organization. Thus, leadership can be analyzed and interpreted from two perspectives: as a function within an organization or society and as a leader's personal quality. Organizations depend on leadership, to grow. This is valid for those organizations whether profit making or not. Since organizations success depends on the leader, its important to see what aspects of leadership are important. These are the charecteristics of a leader that I have seen work in various organizations. Personal Vision is one of the distinctive characteristics of Leadership and of all people committed to their personal and professional growth, that is to say of all those who face their life from self-leadership(Hirschmann, 2004). This is contrary to a leader who has no vision, and in this case a leader with a vision is able to deliver results quicker than a visionless leader. The consensus on the importance of the concept of Vision can be verified in the fact that most of the books that have been published in recent years on subjects as diverse as strategy, business management, leadership or teamwork, Form or other make reference to this subject.A Visionary leader creates the image of the life we aspire to live, projecting the way we want to be and what we would like to do. in my past organization the Vision, was constituted by the values, interests and aspirations of each one of us, which gave purpose and meaning to what we were doing in the organization and established the directionality towards which we focused our objectives in the short and medium term. This was great leadership because It indicated the way forward and gave employees inspiration, enthusiasm and commitment. The leadership propelled us forward and gave us the strength that enabled us to face the challenges and overcome the difficulties(Kippenberger, 2002). One of the central characteristics of Personal Vision is related to the emotionality it generates. When employees really connect with their deepest desires, when thet are encouraged to shape their dreams, when the employees have the courage to take the path and go through them, the spark that ignites the sacred fire of the visionaries is lit(Kirimi and Barine, 2012). From this the organization is able to reach and attain its objectives. in today's companies, there are many models that are used to create efficiency within the organization. However, leadership must always be pegged on intelligence, honesty, integrity and maturity. The ability to create and commit to your Personal Vision is one of the distinguishing characteristics of any leader, entrepreneur or creator; Of those people who do not conform to what happens to them, but make them happen. They imagine, create, generate new realities and reinvent themselves on the way. They build the life they want to live. They hesitate and fear as every human being, but they face their own limitations and accept the challenges that the pursuit of their dreams proposes(Yusuf Adebola, n.d.). These characteristics and this emotionality are not patrimony of superior beings, but of individuals committed to the achievement of their objectives. There seem to be some attributes that differentiate leaders from others, yes, leaders do not have to have same character traits to be effective. However, that does not mean that the leaders who do not possess all these traits are not effective.in all the organizations that I have worked in most of the CEOs do not possess all the characteristics of leadership but still they are able to propel their respective companies to success. The domain, which we call leadership, is one of the main features of the emotional dimension of the model. From my experience, Good leaders want to be heads of organizations and take responsibility, although they are not overbearing or intimidating. If a person does not want to be a leader, he or she may not be an effective manager. Therefore, the domain trait influences all other attributes related to good leaders. For example, if you pressure someone to take a leadership positions, there is a great chance that the individual will lose confidence in the position and will not have enough energy to do the job. Stability, which is part of an effective leader, is associated with administrative efficiency and progress. Stable leaders control their emotions, they are energetic and positive(Morton, 2012).in my year at work I have realized that effective leaders understand their strengths and weaknesses very well. I could say that managing people is an art. It is not easy to be the leader of a company or organization, but the way it is exercised can make the difference between a bad and a bad. Good management (Morton, 2012)..Leadership is a human quality. It is when a person points in one direction and others follow. " In this sense, the existence of a reciprocal relationship between the leader and the follower is what determines the leadership. "People follow a leader, not because that person has a certain perceptive style, but because they recognize, consciously or unconsciously, that the leader has certain qualities," he says. In my view the characteristics of an effective leader are: Their behaviors are based on their natural strengths. Leaders develop and use these skills realistically, as much as possible and appropriate(Morton, 2012).. They are aware of their limitations and collect those contributions from people with different perspectives to theirs. Leaders are those who understand and accept that they have an incomplete view of the world and are actively seeking advice and advice from others with different styles of perception.. They welcome people who see the world different from him and find the best way to. Communicate with each of them They recognize the strength of others and try to build on the teams a set of complementary skills and perspectives.They learn to "borrow" the success techniques of leaders who are different from them and use those tools in a way that is their own. Also, I have come to learn that an effective leader must possess the five mentalities: disciplined, synthesizing, cre ative, respectful and ethical(Aldag and Joseph, 2000)..It is the educators themselves who must inculcate to the children and adolescents that what is learned in classes should be practiced. Students with a disciplined mind will be able to look for what is important and discard what is not, within the large amount of existing information. The ability to synthesize allows us to unite things that are scattered but that together take on an unknown meaning. A criterion is needed to decide what to pay attention to and what to ignore. In order to synthesize the information, it must be united in the most coherent way so that it makes sense and can be transmitted to other people Conclusion From my years of working as an ordinary employee and also leadership positions I can attest that Democratic leadership is considered the best option for most organizations as compared to autocratic one. This type of leadership model encourages participation from employees(Voisin, 2011). Leaders reserve the right make the final decisions but encourage feedback from the employees. This has an advantage because the employees become content and encourages new ideas. References Aldag, R. and Joseph, B. (2000).Leadership vision. New York: Lebhar-Friedman Books. Bass, B. and Riggio, R. (2014).Transformational leadership. New York.: Routledge. HAWKINS, P. (2017).Leadership Team Coaching. [Place of publication not identified]: KOGAN PAGE. Heath, M. (2010).Leadership secrets. London: Collins. Hirschmann, K. (2004).Leadership. Chicago: Raintree. Kippenberger, T. (2002).Leadership styles. 1st ed. Oxford: Capstone Pub. Kirimi, D. and Barine, M. (2012).Transformational corporate leadership. Luton: Andrews UK. Landsberg, M. (2011).The Tools Of Leadership. London: Profile. Morton, W. (2012).Everything you need to know about transformational leadership. [Newmarket, Ont.]: BrainMass Inc. Voisin, G. (2011).All together now. Toronto: Dundurn. Yusuf Adebola, B. (n.d.).Change Management and Firms' Performance.

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